At the deck A there is the “Navigation and Meteorology” exhibition.
How much do you really know about how sailors found their way at sea in ancient times?
They used the sun, the stars and, of course, eventually compasses and nautical maps, progressing in more recent times to modern satellite systems.
In addition to how they found their way, the exhibition also explains another aspect which is still of vital importance today: weather conditions. Today’s forecasts are very accurate. We can find out in advance what the weather is going to be like and we can change our route to avoid a nasty storm, but it wasn’t as easy as that in the past!
At the end of this exhibition, don’t miss the real control bridge of a ship, or rather a simulator that cost several million dollars and is an exact replica of the most advanced naval technology: the KM Koo Ship Bridge simulator. If you want to get an idea of how complex it is to steer a ship, this will give you the chance to step into the shoes of a modern-day Ulysses and attempt to pilot various types of ships.
An interesting fact: these simulators are used for training commanders and officers, who must be able to deal with any kind of situation, whatever the weather conditions, and the simulator can reproduce storms, typhoons, fog and of course choppy seas.