THE WONDERS OF LOCAL CUISINE, The Wonders Of Local Cuisine

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Audio File length: 2.14
English Language: English

Berlin is today considered the capital of vegetarian and vegan cuisine, offering international specialties for the most part – but don’t worry, you’ll also have the chance to try some typical German dishes.

The specialty Germany is best known for is Wurst, a sausage made with ground pork, as well as liver and chicken, flavored and prepared in an endless variety of ways. The best-known is Bratwurst, made with finely ground veal, pork or beef.

You’ll also find sausages made with cooked blood, such as Blutwurst and Schwarzwurst.

The typical specialty of Berlin is Currywurst, a veal sausage flavored with curry, reflecting the multi-ethnic nature of the city and its cuisine.

You might like to try the much thinner Wiener sausage, made with more coarsely ground meat and smoked.

Along with cheeses, salamis and bread, Wurst is a characteristic German breakfast food, but it also makes for a quick, tasty lunch.

Soup is the traditional German first course; the most common varieties are made with onions or mushrooms. Another popular dish is Gulash Suppe, made with meat and paprika.

As for main courses in Berlin, you’ll find typical Prussian specialties such as Königsberger Klopse, meatballs served in a thick sauce made with eggs, cream and capers, or typical German dishes such as Sauerbraten, or “sour roast”: slices of beef, pork or horsemeat marinated in wine for days and then stewed. Frequently featured on local menus is traditional braised pork or beef with vegetables, served in a gravy made by thickening the cooking juices with flour and butter.

Another typical dish of Berlin is stewed pork shin, served with sauerkraut and cabbage boiled in vinegar.

In addition to sauerkraut, the most common accompaniment to meats are Bratkartoffeln, pan-fried potatoes with onion and bacon, or the famous Kartoffelsalat, potato salad with mayonnaise and sour cream.

An interesting fact: the jam-filled doughnut known in many other countries as a Berliner is called Pfannkuchen here in Berlin.

What else can I say but…Enjoy!


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