The app that accompanies your clients/guests on an innovative experience

Download TravelMate now

How TravelMate works

After your guests/clients have downloaded TravelMate and entered the activation code you provided, they will have an App on their phone or tablet with the name of your business and with all the information and services it has to offer. You can present your promotions, partners and services quickly and easily, and help your guests/clients appreciate the marvels of the area they're visiting, thanks to the multilingual audio content. The App will be an authentic tourist guide for your guest/client!

A simple, innovative way to present your activity!


Visit the museum with our discount

Enter all the services, promotions and partners you would like to present to your guests/clients!

Easier communication with guests/clients thanks to the contact form and immediate online reviews for your business


Activate the audio content for the cities your guests/clients are visiting, and offer them an experience no-one has ever provided before!

Contact us to find out more

Partners & clients

Opera Medicea Laurenziana dif-store dimorra fh55 forexchange maps-me maravigghia mastercard sacbo tuscany-all venice-airport Mida Museo Poldi Pezzoli BITQ Vivaticket TantoSvago AvaiBook Musement Booking